Here it is, the first written date of 2023:

Note the format. There are many ways to write a date but when dealing with computers, I’ve been told, that the Asians got it right. The Anglo-European way of writing a date, in the format, day-month-year, is intuitive, going from smallest to largest and the American format makes sense if you’re speaking or writing a date in words. using the format month-day-year, such as: January First, Twenty Twenty-Three.
No matter which format you choose, the time is always appended onto the end, making them more ridiculous: going from small to very large to very small to slightly larger, or large to small to very large to very small to slightly larger.
How silly. No wonder computers are bamboozled by such behaviour. In this regard, our Asian Compatriots of Earth show remarkable practicality. If you want to write a date for a computer, then it’s year-month-day hours:minutes – twenty-four hour format with leading zeros. That way, when you sort your files alphanumerically (i.e. sort by filename) they will also be sorted chronologically.
Of course, you could always sort your files by date created, but it only takes copying the file to blow that system of the water. For sorting by date, this is best practice (please follow the link and note the sarcasm).